STUDIO DRAWING CLASS:  Four Friday mornings, July 5, 12, 19 & 26, 2019, 10:00 am to 12:00 noon at Meadowbrook Studio in Cape Breton, 1886 Meadow Road, Goose Cove, Nova Scotia. Beautiful environment - fun class. All skill levels welcome.

Supply list: Drawing paper (9 x 11 approx), coloured drawing paper, drawing pencils (H, B, 2B, 4B, 6B), vine charcoal, pencil crayons (optional), white conte or pastel pencil (Jane can provide), eraser (white or kneadable), drawing pens/ink (optional) (Jane can provide).

Our sessions will focus on drawing different kinds of subjects and the particular techniques used to solve related problems. Participants are encouraged to bring their own projects to class to work on after the exercises, or projects may be suggested.

As always, there will be a brief reading at the beginning, so don’t be late if you want to hear it. Feel free to arrive around 9:45 am to get yourself settled so the class can begin right at 10. A two hour class passes very quickly!

Fees:  The fee is $60 for the four classes ($30 for teens). I would appreciate receiving the full fee in cash at the first class.
